The solu­tion for safe PW storage, distri­b­u­tion, and moni­toring.

More infor­ma­tion
  • Service-​friendly design
  • Dead zone opti­mized design through block valve tech­nology
  • Stan­dard­ized, tested ready for connec­tion, and prequal­i­fied as part of the FAT
  • STER­ITRON elec­trolytic ozone gener­ator
  • Ozone is safely removed to below detec­tion limits with the phar­ma­ceu­tical version of the BEWADES UV unit
  • Cali­brated measuring tech­nology
  • High-​performance pumps, speed-​regulated ensure that oper­a­tion is safe and quiet and that there are
  • optimal alter­ations made to the hydraulic condi­tions in the loop
  • Central sampling panel
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As great as it is compact

We know there is only one correct answer for the safe storage, distri­b­u­tion, moni­toring, and sani­ti­za­tion of Puri­fied Water: LOOPO C.

The combi­na­tion of ozone and UV compared to peri­odic hot sani­ti­za­tion offers many convincing advan­tages for storage and distri­b­u­tion systems at ambient temper­a­ture.

The entire tank and loop design is much simpler. A pressure-​free tank, normal sterile filters and pipes, free of insu­la­tion, are suffi­cient. Hot sani­ta­tion systems require expen­sive pressure-​resistant stain­less steel tanks, heated filter hous­ings, and insu­lated pipes.

In addi­tion, storage in the other­wise micro­bi­o­log­i­cally crit­ical tank with ozone is always completely safe and always under control. Auto­mated, peri­odic ozoniza­tion of the entire distri­b­u­tion system as far as the valve on the point of use.

Speed-​regulated high-​performance pump for consis­tently ideal hydraulic condi­tions in the loop system

Phar­ma­ceu­tical version of the BEWADES UV unit safely ensures that ozone is removed to below detec­tion limits

DTS heat exchanger for a consis­tent water temper­a­ture during a refer­ence phase and circu­la­tion

Quality measure­ment units for moni­toring the quality of water regarding TOC, ozone, and conduc­tivity

AQU@View automa­tion with quality vali­dated soft­ware modules, espe­cially for phar­ma­ceu­tical water systems. The high­light of the Loopo is point of use manage­ment along­side the data logger

STER­ITRON ozone gener­ator for contin­uous optimum safety in the PW tank and extremely effec­tive peri­odic ozone sani­ti­za­tion of the whole loop

AQU@Service for PW systems

Maximum safety, reli­a­bility, and value reten­tion in crit­ical produc­tion appli­ca­tions is achieved via quality systems, preven­ta­tive service, and intel­li­gent spare parts manage­ment.

Durch den geplanten Service mit dem Austausch aller Verschleißteile, doku­men­tierte Kalib­rierung der Sensoren und Wechsel aller Dich­tungen und Membrane ist man im Betrieb, bei Audits und Inspek­tionen mit BWT auf der sicheren Seite.


United States

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