

The measure. The refer­ence. Synony­mous with PW gener­a­tion. Excep­tional. Justi­fi­ably so.

More infor­ma­tion
  • Compact, open frame construc­tion
  • Stan­dard­ized, tested ready for connec­tion, and prequal­i­fied
  • Contains all process steps so that potable water becomes the best Puri­fied Water - pretreat­ment, soft­ening, filtra­tion, reverse osmosis membrane stage, SEPTRON elec­trodeion­iza­tion, and AQU@View control
  • User-​friendly and easy to service - all samples and compo­nents are readily acces­sible
  • Stan­dard­ized single skids up to 12 m³/h PW and multi skids up to 30 m³/h PW
  • Flex­ible options regarding mate­rial, process, equip­ment, and automa­tion - perfect for all require­ments
Springe zu

The best OSMOTRON of all time

A unit for gener­ating phar­ma­ceu­tical water with all process steps preassem­bled on a stain­less steel frame! If we hadn't had this idea back then and created the first OSMOTRON in 1996, it would have been extremely neces­sary now. Nowa­days there are over 1,000 units in use world­wide. A possible record.

We contin­u­ously improve the system. Set stan­dards that little bit higher. All this so that BWT can offer customers the best solu­tion for reli­able, cost-​effective, and envi­ron­men­tally friendly PW produc­tion.

If excep­tional micro­bi­o­log­ical safety is required then there is also the OSMOTRON HPW, equipped with SEPTRON Biosafe—the unique EDI module with inte­grated ultra­fil­tra­tion.

Reverse osmosis concen­trate stage for the highest water yield

Soft­ening, with a thermal sani­ti­za­tion option

For those who want the highest levels of micro­bi­o­log­ical safety, there is the SEPTRON biosafe, the inte­grated final ultra­fil­tra­tion stage

Optional membrane degassing

Reverse osmosis membrane stage

Soft­ening, with a thermal sani­ti­za­tion option

Reverse osmosis concen­trate stage for the highest water yield

Valve blocks for extremely effi­cient soft­ening

AQU@View automa­tion with an open library of vali­dated soft­ware compo­nents

Inte­grated water collec­tion and recir­cu­la­tion

Central sampling tray with hygienic stain­less steel valve blocks.

Soft­ening, with a thermal sani­ti­za­tion option

Soft­ening, with a thermal sani­ti­za­tion option

Soft­ening, with a thermal sani­ti­za­tion option

Soft­ening, with a thermal sani­ti­za­tion option

Soft­ening, with a thermal sani­ti­za­tion option

Reverse osmosis concen­trate stage for the highest water yield

Reverse osmosis concen­trate stage for the highest water yield

High-​quality, pharma-​specific SEPTRON elec­trodeion­iza­tion for deminer­al­iza­tion

AQU@Service for PW systems

Maximum safety, reli­a­bility, and value reten­tion in crit­ical produc­tion appli­ca­tions are achieved via quality systems, preven­ta­tive service, and intel­li­gent spare parts manage­ment.

The planned AQU@Service with replace­ment of all wear parts, docu­mented cali­bra­tion of sensors, and replace­ment of all seals and membranes means you're on the safe side with BWT when audits and inspec­tions occur.


United States

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